Stop talking yourself into a bigger dress or jeans size and banish those excuses for good! There's absolutely no reason why you can't slim down and shape up if you really want to.
1. I can never be thin, I love food too much
No problem! You don't need to make an enemy of food to lose weight, in fact quite the opposite - just don't overeat them, that's all! Use your love of food to try out new recipes, experiment with ingredients you haven't tried before and explore new, healthier ways of cooking such as steaming, stir-frying, grilling and baking.
Remember: Good food doesn't need to be covered in calorie rich creams, oils, fats and sauces to taste great.
2. My whole family are overweight so there's no point in me trying
Your genes will play a significant role in determining your natural weight range but just because your relatives are overweight don't assume that means you are destined to be too. You can go a long way towards overcoming any genetic pre-dispositions by eating healthy foods, smaller portions, increasing your day to day activity levels and exercising more. It's also worth bearing in mind that family tendencies to be overweight are often due more to 'nurture' than 'nature' so it may be more to do with the foods you have all grown accustomed to liking and eating over the years than the genetic tendencies that you share.
Remember: You can't alter your DNA but you can make sure you are the very best that you can be.
3. I really need to eat biscuits, cakes or chocolate to give me the energy to get through the day
When you are feeling tired a sweet, sugary snack will increase your blood sugar levels which is why it often gives us that quick fix that we crave. The problem is that you pay for that sugar high about 40 minutes after eating it when your sugar levels fall once more, usually to lower levels than before, and cravings to eat high fat, sugar or caffeine rich foods and drinks become even stronger. Far better to eat a high fibre, low fat breakfast such as porridge, stone ground wholemeal toast with a little peanut butter or a bowl of wholegrain cereal. This will help stabilise blood sugars throughout the day minimising cravings and maximising energy levels.
4. I hate dieting so I'll just exercise myself thin
A nine stone woman would need to run for just under an hour to burn off 500 calories. To eat 500 calories would take less than a couple of minutes in the form of a Big Mac, bar of chocolate or a milk shake. So, although research shows that regular exercise will help you regulate your appetite and eat healthier foods, unless you watch what you eat as well, when it comes to weight loss you'll be fighting a losing battle. This doesn't mean you need to follow a strict diet. Just cut right back on foods high in fat and sugar, swap processed foods for fresh equivalents and switch to low fat dairy products. Add lots of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet and cut back on sugary drinks and alcohol and watch the pounds drop off.