Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Excuse busters! Get the body you’ve always wanted!

Stop talking yourself into a bigger dress or jeans size and banish those excuses for good! There's absolutely no reason why you can't slim down and shape up if you really want to. 

1. I can never be thin, I love food too much
No problem! You don't need to make an enemy of food to lose weight, in fact quite the opposite - just don't overeat them, that's all! Use your love of food to try out new recipes, experiment with ingredients you haven't tried before and explore new, healthier ways of cooking such as steaming, stir-frying, grilling and baking.
Remember: Good food doesn't need to be covered in calorie rich creams, oils, fats and sauces to taste great.

2. My whole family are overweight so there's no point in me trying
Your genes will play a significant role in determining your natural weight range but just because your relatives are overweight don't assume that means you are destined to be too. You can go a long way towards overcoming any genetic pre-dispositions by eating healthy foods, smaller portions, increasing your day to day activity levels and exercising more. It's also worth bearing in mind that family tendencies to be overweight are often due more to 'nurture' than 'nature' so it may be more to do with the foods you have all grown accustomed to liking and eating over the years than the genetic tendencies that you share.
Remember: You can't alter your DNA but you can make sure you are the very best that you can be.

3. I really need to eat biscuits, cakes or chocolate to give me the energy to get through the day
When you are feeling tired a sweet, sugary snack will increase your blood sugar levels which is why it often gives us that quick fix that we crave. The problem is that you pay for that sugar high about 40 minutes after eating it when your sugar levels fall once more, usually to lower levels than before, and cravings to eat high fat, sugar or caffeine rich foods and drinks become even stronger. Far better to eat a high fibre, low fat breakfast such as porridge, stone ground wholemeal toast with a little peanut butter or a bowl of wholegrain cereal. This will help stabilise blood sugars throughout the day minimising cravings and maximising energy levels.

4. I hate dieting so I'll just exercise myself thin 
A nine stone woman would need to run for just under an hour to burn off 500 calories. To eat 500 calories would take less than a couple of minutes in the form of a Big Mac, bar of chocolate or a milk shake. So, although research shows that regular exercise will help you regulate your appetite and eat healthier foods, unless you watch what you eat as well, when it comes to weight loss you'll be fighting a losing battle. This doesn't mean you need to follow a strict diet. Just cut right back on foods high in fat and sugar, swap processed foods for fresh equivalents and switch to low fat dairy products. Add lots of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet and cut back on sugary drinks and alcohol and watch the pounds drop off.

By Rachael Anne Hill

Monday, 15 October 2012

Beautiful Body: Advanced Stretching Exercises

Top Five Foods Every Slimmer Should Have In Their Freezer

Frozen berries

Why? - Fresh berries are bursting with immune boosting vitamin C but the amount they contain can soon plummet if they are stored for any length of time. Frozen berries however have all that goodness locked in making them just as good (if not better) than the fresh stuff but so much more convenient and they can be used in so many ways, not least of all as a low calorie dessert or breakfast topping.

How? - Pop a cup full of frozen berries such as raspberries, fruits of the forest or blueberries into a blender. Add a small tin of pineapple, a splash of fruit juice and a banana and blend for a taste bud tingling, super cool smoothie that works just as well as a speedy breakfast as it does as a snack or a dessert.

Frozen soy beans

Why? - An 80 grams serving of these super convenient, tasty little beans provides 20 per cent of the vitamin C you need in a day plus ten of the 25 grams of soya protein you need to help reduce blood cholesterol. They are also a great source of fibre and slow releasing carbohydrates which means they are great at keeping cravings at bay.

How? - Use them pretty much as you would frozen peas. They taste great added to rice pasta salads or stir fries too or just add them to boiling water for a couple of minutes, drain, sprinkle with a little salt and eat them as a tasty snack.

Frozen king prawns

Why? - With less than 60 calories per serving and almost no fat, frozen king prawns are a great way of adding cell repairing, satiating protein to your meals in minutes.

How? - Use them defrosted in sandwiches, add to stir fries and rice dishes, throw a generous handful into pasta dishes and curries or add to any home made salad to make it feel that little bit special.

Mixed vegetables

Why? - We all know we should be eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day but all that chopping, peeling and slicing can be a little off putting. That's where your bag of frozen mixed veg comes in. The filling fibre frozen veg contains coupled with the relatively low calories mean these little multi-coloured gems really are a slimmer's best friend.

How? - Whether you're making a pasta sauce, curry, soup, rice salad, stir fry, Thai noodles or a casserole just grab a bag from the freezer and add a few handfuls to the pot. What could be simpler?

Wild Alaskan salmon

Why? - Wild-caught Alaska salmon, which matures at a natural pace in the pristine waters off Alaska's rugged 34,000-mile coast line, have high concentrations of omega 3 oils proven to reduce the risk of coronary disease and help treat and prevent of many other diseases.

Salmon is also an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing all the essential amino acids, contains vitamins A, D, B6 and B2, as well as niacin and riboflavin, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.

As if all that wasn't enough, the high protein levels couple with the fatty acids found in salmon help to reduce hunger and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

How? - Simply wrap a frozen fillet in some tin foil and bake in the oven for a super easy, extremely nutritious supper that can be served with rice, pasta, salad or fresh vegetables.

Alternatively, use it to make fish cakes or pie.

By Rachael Anne Hill

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

10 Ways To Fit In a Workout Before 10 am

Don't beat yourself up for never hitting the gym - these moves from Jennifer Cohen, health and fitness expert and author of No Gym Required, will have you feeling tight and toned all before you sit down to work.

7 a.m. 
When you wake up, immediately hit the floor and do 10 pushups. "As you get stronger, add an extra two pushups each week," says Cohen. As you increase the amount of reps, you'll spot a real difference in your upper arms. Looking good!

7:10 a.m.
For a high-protein breakfast, microwave eggs for two minutes. Fit in cardio by doing 20 jumping jacks, 20 squats, 20 front lunges, and 20 tricep dips on your kitchen chair before the buzzer goes off.

7:30 a.m.
When you're brushing your teeth, alternate between calf raises and squeezing your butt muscles for toning every other day.

7:45 a.m.
Squeeze in 50 crunches before you get dressed. "It's great to do abdominal exercises before you put on your clothes," says Cohen. "You feel skinnier."

8:00 a.m. 

Whether you're dropping the kids off at school or heading to work, skip the lift. "Make sure you're wearing flats or comfortable shoes, and run up the stairs to burn some calories and help strengthen your glutes," says Cohen.

8:05 a.m.
When you reach the final flight, work the outside of your thighs by side-stepping halfway to the landing, leading with your left leg.

8:10 a.m.
Work your other side by side-stepping up the stairs until you reach your floor, this time leading with your right leg.

9:00 a.m. 
Use your desk or or your coffee table to do 15 inclined pushups. "Different angles work different muscle groups," says Cohen. "Doing pushups flat on the ground when you first wake up and then doing them inclined later helps work different parts of your chest, upper back, and core for a more complete workout."

9:30 a.m.
Rather than sitting still when you're on the phone, keep moving. Take hold of a chair, extend one of your legs to the side, and pulse it out for 20 seconds while focusing on squeezing your thighs. Repeat with the opposite leg. "This move is great for core for stabilisation as well as toning the outer thighs, which minimises saddlebags," says Cohen.

9:45 a.m.
You've earned a coffee break! Drop down for 10 squats, and head out for a latte.

By Holly Corbett

Monday, 1 October 2012

Get a Flatter Stomach in 24 Hours

1. Curb the curries
Spicy foods can increase the speed with that food travels through the gut, encouraging wind production and bloating.

2. Pick up a pineapple
Fresh pineapple contains bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme, so try some after a heavy meal. Fennel may also help by combating flatulence.

3. Treat yourself to tea
Peppermint and chamomile teas are particularly good at easing indigestion and bloating. Green teas and teas made with fresh mint can be particularly effective too.

4. Drink It down
If your bloated tummy is linked to your time of the month try drinking more water. Research shows that bloating and water retention are often linked to dehydration so make sure you sip down at least eight glasses of water a day.

5. Chew on it
Eat slowly with your mouth closed, to avoid gulping down air along with your food. Chew each mouthful thoroughly and sit up straight at the table to help improve digestion.

6. Start grazing
Eat small, regular meals and avoid a pattern of eating little all day then having a large late meal.

7. Put your best foot forward
Take regular exercise. Research shows even a short 20-30 minute brisk walk four times a week can improve your bowel function.

8. Have an apple a day
Snack on fresh fruit instead of salty snacks such as nuts or crisps. Too much salt in the diet can increase water retention especially in the stomach area where as the high water and fibre content of fresh fruit will have the reverse effect.

By Rachael Anne Hill