Thursday, 22 November 2012

13 Lies Dieters Tell Themselves

The worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves. Before the holiday season eating extravaganza is upon us here are a few common diet lies -- and how your better angel would react if he were awake.

Olive oil is good for you

(it is; it also has 120 calories per tablespoon)

This pack’s only 100 calories

(that’s when you eat just 1, not 4)

It’s only 140 calories

(per serving! There were 3 serving in the pack – all gone!)

I’ll sweat this dessert off

(speed-walk for an hour, and it won’t make a dent)

It’s fat-free

(yeah, but did you look at the sugar?)

It’s sugar-free

(did you look at the fat?)

It says no added sugar

(just evaporated cane juice and fruit juice concentrate. Who are you kidding?)

I found this miracle diet

(there are no miracle diets, silly)

Chocolate is good for your brain and can help you win a Nobel Prize

(brain candy is still candy. BTW, who pays for these studies?)

Wine is good for your heart

(it’s also bad for your liver, and has 120 calories a glass)

It was a small portion

(smaller than a mountain, for sure)

After this, I’ll eat nothing ‘till tomorrow

(it’s 2pm!) 

But I skipped breakfast!

(skipping breakfast awards no prizes)

Final thought:

The scale and your old clothes won’t lie, and on the other hand, some feasts are well worth their caloric price.

By Dr. Ayala Laufer 

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